School Health Advisory Council
Vision Statement
“Increase awareness and actively affect positive changes by using coordinated school health programming that empowers our students, staff and families to be successful in a healthy and safe environment.”
Anyone interested in serving on this council should email
The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is an advisory group of individuals representing parents, community members, students and district personnel who collectively provide advice to the school district regarding school health programs.
School Health Advisory Councils can guide in program planning within our district, serve in an advocacy role providing visibility for school health within the school system and community, liaison with district and state agencies, initiate direct intervention, and ensure evaluation, accountability and quality control of food service programs offering healthy menus and the physical and psychological environment of the school.
SHAC meets four times during the school year.
As a council, SHAC makes sure that Humble ISD has policies adopted to ensure that elementary school and middle school students engage in physical activity.
As a council, SHAC makes sure Humble ISD has policies in place that ensure compliance with applicable vending machine and food service guidelines for restricting student access to vending machines.
As a council, SHAC makes sure that Humble ISD has policies and procedures that prescribe penalties for the use of tobacco products by students and others on school campuses or at school-sponsored or school-related activities.