Secondary English Language Arts (ELA)

The English, Language Arts, and Reading courses address reading, writing, research, listening, and speaking. Students will participate in classes where they make choices about what they read, write, and learn. Students will think critically, research to learn about topics of interest to them, and read and write daily. 

Our goal is to support students' development as effective communicators and critical thinkers who are able to make meaning of complex texts and ideas, responsibly express their ideas to a variety of audiences, and apply their learning to multiple situations. 


Secondary Math

Welcome to the Humble ISD Secondary Mathematics Page!

The VISION of the Secondary Math Department is to provide instructional environments in which students are able to see themselves as mathematicians within any culture and community as they engage in:

  •  innovative problem solving and critical thinking

  •  communication and collaboration, and

  •  leadership and personal responsibility.

Ultimately, these practices become second nature to students through the context of mathematics empowering students to then transfer these practices to all contexts in their everyday lives.

Our MISSION is to develop young mathematician's in middle and high school to prepare them for their college and career experiences in the 21st century. Students in Humble ISD secondary math courses will develop conceptual understanding of math and learn to interact with math by

  •  thinking flexibly about their ideas,

  •  investigating,

  •  discussing,

  •  critiquing,

  •  revising,

  •  making connections, and

  •  self-assessing.

To see what couses are offered in the math program, visit our Humble ISD Course Guides

Note: Humble ISD utilizes the TI Nspire CX II in all 8th Grade Math and Algebra 1 courses for instruction and assessment and the TI-84 for all high school courses beyond Algebra 1, including Geometry, Algebraic Reasoning, Algebra 2, and Precalculus.  Students will have access to these devices in on their campuses for use in class and on assessments.  If you are considering purchasing graphing calculator technology for your middle school or Algebra 1 student, the Nspire CX II is recommended.  In all other courses, the TI-84 is sufficient.

Secondary Science

The VISION of the Humble ISD Secondary Science Department is for ALL students to see and value themselves as scientists.  We believe that students must DO science to learn science.  We want to grow and inspire our emerging scientists to critically question, analyze, and evaluate information and claims, and to consider creative, thoughtful, and ethical solutions to issues and problems facing us today.  

Our MISSION is to teach our emerging scientists to think critically as they develop conceptual understanding of important science ideas.  Students will develop and connect their thinking and understanding to relevant, current events, issues, and phenomena by

  • making observations about phenomena, nature, data, or the real world

  • using tools of science, including rulers, balances, beakers, microscopes, etc

  • asking questions based on observations or information from text, phenomena, models, and/or investigations

  • defining problems based on observations or information from text, phenomena, models, and/or investigations

  • making measurements and/or collecting data

  • analyzing data in graphs, tables, infographics, etc

  • creating models (through building, drawing, etc)

  • interpreting and analyzing models (including diagrams, 3D models, etc)

  • designing or critiquing experiments, including variables and/or procedures

  • formulating explanations and conclusions using data and evidence

  • engaging in respectful argumentation and discourse using evidence and scientific explanations

For additional teacher resources and information, visit this link

For a list of Humble ISD science course offerings, see our Humble ISD Course Guides

Curriculum Overview

Humble ISD Science courses are aligned with the Texas Education Agency Pathways Initiatives.   There are a variety of college and career pathways developed by the Texas Education Agency (TEA), the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).  Traditional science courses, along with Career and Technical Education courses that count as science credits, are included in career pathways so that students know which science classes they need to take and in what order. 

Students and their families can use the Humble ISD Course Guides to explore available pathways.  Every Humble ISD Student can also log into Choices 360 to explore and select courses through high school.  The best resource to explore what courses and pathways are available to your student is your campus counselor or the Counseling & Behavioral Services department.

The following core science courses are offered at secondary campuses in Humble ISD.  Most science courses are offered with on-level or advanced options.  Advanced options include honors, Advanced Placement (AP), pre-AP, Dual Credit (DC), or International Baccalaureate (IB), depending on campus and staffing.

Social Studies

The mission of Humble ISD Social Studies is to educate and inspire young people to be active, competent, and engaged citizens with the knowledge, intellectual processes, and democratic dispositions to lead and make a difference in their local communities, state, nation, and the world. 

Social Studies curriculum and instruction provides students the knowledge and skills necessary to become life-long learners, critical thinkers, leaders, innovators, and informed and responsible citizens of the United States and the World.  The is accomplished through the teaching of history, geography, culture, economics, government, citizenship, and innovations in science and technology.

Principles of High Quality Social Studies Instruction

  • Inquiry-based learning, investigation, and higher order questioning

  • Critical thinking, disciplinary reasoning, and academic skills serve as the driver of learning

  • Close reading, close observation and analysis of information 

  • Performance tasks and authentic activities for learning and assessment

  • Academic conversations and civic dialogue 

  • Evidence-based and authentic writing to learn  

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige and even his life for the welfare of others." 

 --- Martin Luther King, Jr.  

Useful Links

Social Studies LINKS for Students

Social Studies Links & Resources for At-Home Learning