Safe & Secure

Our goal is to create a culture of safety, security, and emergency preparedness that is both proactive and progressive and embeded into the daily operations of our campuses and facilities.

The department works in partnership with the Humble ISD Police Department and school leaders and staff and oversees functions related to safety and security in Humble ISD.

Our prevention/mitigation measures include: 

  • Security vestibules at our elementary schools and our newer secondary campuses.

  • Screening visitors through the Raptor system and requiring that visitors be identified.

  • Training staff and students to be observant and to report unidentified individuals and any safety concerns.

  • Proactive mental health support for students and use of a structured threat assessment process.

  • Conducting safety and security audits, as required by the Texas Education Code and as needed to ensure a safe learning environment.

  • A district safety and security committee that monitors compliance with local, state and federal mandates.

Our preparedness efforts include: 

  • Multi-hazard district and campus emergency operations plans.

  • Drills in accordance with the standards of the Texas School Safety Center.

  • Coordination with federal, state and local authorities and first responders.

  • District and campus level emergency equipment and supplies.

  • Mutual-aid, inter-local and other agreements to support comprehensive emergency preparedness.

Our response elements include: 

  • Implementation of Standard Response Protocol, e.g. Lockdown, Secure the Perimeter, Evacuation, and Shelter-in-Place. 

  • Use of Incident Command System (ICS).

  • Effective public information/notification systems.

  • Collaboration with local first responders.  

Our recovery procedures include: 

  • Plans for the emotional and physical health of students and staff after an incident.

  • After-action reviews and corrective action plans as needed.

  • Continuity of operations planning/execution to continue school/district functions during and after an incident.  

Contact Us

Follow us on X (Twitter):

Damico Bartley
Director of Emergency Management and Safety

Wanda George
Safety Coordinator

Jody Benavides
Police/Emergency Management Clerk

For any emergency situation, call 911.

Humble ISD Emergency Dispatch Center
24 hours a day 281-641-7900

If you have any crime tips or safety concerns, you can call the Humble ISD TIPS and Safety Hotline at 281-641-8477 24 hours a day, as well as report concerns through the Humble ISD iHELP app.

Guidelines for Parents

Humble ISD is committed to providing a safe environment for students, staff, parents and visitors. We work closely with national, state, and local safety officials – police, fire, emergency medical services and public health – in order to ensure our schools are well prepared for an emergency. Together, we have developed a comprehensive Emergency Operations Plan that serves as a guide to help staff and our public safety partners respond swiftly should a crisis occur in our schools.


LOCKDOWN (A “Lockdown” will be announced)

A lockdown is an emergency course of action necessary when there is a threat INSIDE the building, such as an intruder.  Students and staff will secure their area, move out of sight, and maintain silence until first responders end the lockdown. 

SECURE THE PERIMETER (A “Secure“ order will be announced)

Secure the Perimeter is a course of action necessary when incidents arise during the school day OUTSIDE of the school building that can pose a threat to students and staff safety and well-being.  This threat requires school administrators to restrict students and staff movement throughout the building and restrict access into the building.  This means that parents will not be admitted and students will not be released to parents while the school is under secure status.

SHELTER-IN-PLACE Definition (A “Shelter-In-Place” will be announced)

"Shelter-in-place" is an emergency course of action requiring everyone to immediately shelter where they are to avoid adverse conditions in the outside environment.  Shelter-in-place can be used for incidents where it would be more dangerous to evacuate the building. Local authorities may instruct us to "shelter-in-place" if chemical or radiological contaminants are released into the environment. It is important to listen to TV or radio to understand whether the authorities wish you to merely remain indoors or to take additional steps to protect yourself and your family. 

Additional Resources

NIMS Training Requirements

In compliance with recommendations of the U.S. Departments of Homeland Security and Education, HISD has identified district personnel who need to receive training based on their roles and responsibilities in school emergency management and incident response. There are three levels for district personnel, each with its specific minimum mandatory level of training.

The three levels of personnel are:

  1. General Personnel: Personnel with any role in district emergency preparedness, incident management or response.

  2. Critical Personnel: Personnel with a critical role in response to a campus or district emergency.

  3. Leadership Personnel: Personnel with a leadership role in response to a campus or district emergency.

General Personnel

Critical Personnel

Leadership Personnel*

•    All Essential Humble lSD Personnel


•   All Members of a Campus

Emergency Operations Team

•   All Members of the District

Emergency Operations Team

•  All Public Safety Personnel

•    Designated Directors

Designated Principals    

•  Police Chief and Administrators


Course Title







An Introduction to ICS for Schools









ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action








Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents






Advanced Incident Command







An Introduction to NIMS









An Introduction to the National Response

Framework (NRF)






The Humble ISD Office of Emergency Management is required to maintain a database of all district staff that complete mandatory trainings to ensure that the district is in compliance with current state and federal requirements and prepared to respond efficiently and effectively to any incident or event.

*Executive Leaders, which may include Superintendents, should take IS-700 NIMS and G-402 (ICS Overview for Executives/Senior Officials).

Disaster Relief and Mental Health Resources

Disaster Relief and Mental Health Resources

Apply for Disaster Recovery Assistance. There are several ways to see if you qualify for financial assistance after a disaster: If you can’t afford to heat or cool your home after a disaster, you may qualify for emergency help with energy bills. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) may be able to provide disaster relief funding so you can: Pay to reconnect utilities. Pay utility bills. Use the address lookup on and complete the online questionnaire and disaster assistance application. Visit FEMA's Individual Disaster Assistance page. Call FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 (TTY: 1-800-462-7585) for disaster assistance. Disaster Financial Assistance | USAGov

Resource Guide for Familes in Texas Admist Winter Storm

This can be a difficult time for everyone, here are some steps to help children and adolescents:

1) Let children know there are people helping keep the community safe.
2) Limit exposure to television and social media content about the disaster; repeated exposure to frightening or intense images increases distress.
3) Maintain routines at home and school as much as possible.
More resources can be found here: Coping After Disaster -

Please contact your child’s school counselor for additional support for your student.

Additional Mental Health Resources and Considerations Include:
Effects of Disasters: Risk and Resilience Factors - PTSD: National Center for PTSD (
Helping Children Cope with Emergencies | CDC

And please don’t forget to take care of the caregivers. We know it’s difficult, but take time to take care of yourself by practicing some self-care.  Self-Care Resource for Helping Professionals