Humble ISD will be closed on Friday, May 3, 2024. Harris County has asked multiple communities in our school district to evacuate. As you know, heavy rainfall caused Lake Conroe, Lake Livingston, Lake Houston, both the East and West Forks of the San Jacinto River, and other creeks to rise. Additionally, authorities are planning a massive release of water from both Lake Conroe and Lake Livingston, which will bring the East and the West forks of the San Jacinto River to major flood stages – impacting many of our staff, students, families, and community members. While we had planned to wait for an 8 PM weather and flooding update from Houston Flood Control, inundation maps have made any predicted rainfall for tomorrow morning moot. The release of Lakes Livingston and Conroe will give us more water than we can safely handle, so there will be no school Friday, May 3, 2024. Our 2023-2024 academic calendar included ample state-required instructional minutes to accommodate such a weather-related closure, eliminating the need for a make-up day. Humble ISD stands ready to support our community.
10 months ago, Humble ISD
Kingwood Middle School students Michael Pham, Christina De La Paz and Ainsley Recchilongo and KMS Science Teacher/Team Coach: Robert Adrian appeared on KPRC2 on Thursday, May 2, with to talk about out being Exploravision Regional Winners!!
10 months ago, Humble ISD
KMS Exploravision
In episode 13 of Ask an Expert, Be SMART volunteers Susan Pollard (English version) and Maritza Wong (Spanish version) discuss safe gun storage practices, offering advice on how gun owners and non-gun owners alike can prevent children and teens from having unsupervised access to guns. You can catch all episodes of Ask An Expert at
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Ask An Expert
Ask An Expert
Kingwood High School senior Matthew Peak was surprised as one of five state-wide UIL Music H-E-B scholarship winners on Monday, April 29, 2024. #ShineALight #SendItOn #ALLIN
11 months ago, Humble ISD
HEB Scholarship KHS
Congratulations to Jasmine Thomas, Humble ISD District & Elementary Teacher of the Year, and Camron Bradford, Secondary Teacher of the Year for 2024-2025!
11 months ago, Humble ISD
2024-2025 teacher of the year winners
2024-2025 district teacher of the year winner
2024-2025 teacher of the year winners
Read the latest Humble ISD News & Announcements!
11 months ago, Humble ISD
News & Announcements
🌞 FREE Family Event! 🌞 6-8 pm | Thursday, May 2 🌞 Held at Lakeland Elementary 🌞 Everyone is invited! Resources will be available on Summer Camps, Summer Safety, Summer Jobs, and Car Seat Safety. There will be food trucks, a bounce house and more.
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Summer Resource Family Night
Summer Resource Family Night
In episode 12 of "Ask an Expert," Student Wellness Counselor Francesca Newman, raises awareness about suicide, noting the warning signs and risk factors of suicide, as well as the resources available to those experiencing a crisis. You can catch all episodes of Ask An Expert at
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Ask An Expert
Humble High School senior Camila Coronado competed in the Maraton 10K in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico this past weekend. #ShineALight #SendItOn
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Camila Coronado Humble Cross Country
Read the latest Humble ISD News & Announcements!
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Friday Newsletter
In episode 11 of Ask an Expert, Ms. Samantha Guajardo, the Agriculture Science Teacher at Summer Creek High School, and Summer Creek High School senior Diego Rodriguez, tell us about the school's BBQ team and the local and state-wide competitions the team has participated in since its formation. You can catch all episodes of Ask An Expert at
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Ask An Expert
Kingwood Park's Cory Case and Cole Mayon have advanced to the UIL State Boys Golf Tournament after finishing tied for second and fifth, respectively, at the Region II-5A Championships.
11 months ago, Humble ISD
kphs state golf
Kingwood High School girls golf has won Back-to-Back-to-Back Region III-6A Championships. The Lady Mustangs are on to the UIL State Girls Golf Tournament.
11 months ago, Humble ISD
khs girls golf
The Summer Creek High School Chorale earned 1st Runner-Up-Mixed Choir Division at the Celebration of Excellence Festival recently.
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Summer Creek Chorale
Stay up to date with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything Humble ISD, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
11 months ago, Humble ISD
its everything humble isd, in your pocket flyer
Read the latest Humble ISD News & Announcements!
11 months ago, Humble ISD
News and Announcements
EPI Elementary School Supply sale now through May 21. Late Orders through June 16. Order online and supplies will ship directly to the school for distribution in August.
11 months ago, Humble ISD
24-25 School Supplies
Ross Sterling Middle School Principal Damico Bartley and North Bend Elementary Principal Christina Morris were honored on Wednesday, April 10, at the Region 4 Principal Recognition Ceremony.
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Region 4 Principal Recognition Ceremony
In episode 10 of Ask an Expert, Dr. Melissa Leigh, the senior director of personalized student success in Humble ISD, speaks about the Performing Careers pathways and innovative fine arts courses that will become available to students in the 2024-2025 school year. You can catch all episodes of Ask An Expert at
11 months ago, Humble ISD
Ask An Expert
Autumn Creek Elementary students take in Solar Eclipse 2024 with creative shields to place their eclipse glasses in during the viewing! #ShineALight #SendItOn
11 months ago, Humble ISD
eclipse 2024