Science Academic Lead Teacher/Gifted and Talented
Room #2113
Here at Lakeland, we have a variety of special programs to help make your student successful.
Hi my name is Mrs. Jack and this is my fourth year at Lakeland Elementary. I am the Applied Skills Special Education teacher for Kindgarten-5th grade. I loving being a Lakeland wildcat and look forward to working with my students each day!
I have been in education for over 15 years and am a product of Humble ISD myself! I received my Bacheolor's and Master's degrees from Texas State University.
My husband and I have three daughters and a dog named Milo! We like to be outside, camping, traveling, watch movies, and swimming!
All children are capable of amazing things, given the right relationships, knowledge and tools!
For questions related to testing in the areas of Autism, Other Health impairments, Intellectual Disability, Learning disability, and Dyslexia to name a few, contact Tiffany King by phone at 281-641-1204 or email: Email Tiffany King
For questions related to ARD schedules or scheduling, contact Jimisu Wolff on 281-641-1250 or by email: Email Jimisu Wolff
For changes to transportation, contact your child's teacher and the ARD specialist Melinda Mccalla by email at Email Melinda Mccalla
Grade: Early Childhood Special Education
Room Number: 1208
Phone: 281-641-1274
Zoom: Link is set to private and Parents needs to request access
Conference Period 2:30-3:00 Monday-Friday except when ARD meetings are scheduled.
If you need to contact me, please use Remind, phone call, email or you can put a note in your child's folder!
Hello and welcome to Early Childhood Special Education class! I am looking forward to teaching, learning and working with your children!
Please make sure that your child arrives at school on time and ready to learn every day!
Your child will be bringing home a purple folder every day. Inside this folder you will see the following items :
Monthly Calendar : The calendar will be used to list important information (dates to remember, homework, etc.) regarding your child and any comments or questions you might have or that I might have for you. Every day, your child will have a different- colored smiley face or dot depending on how their behavior was for the day. The calendars will stay in the child's folder until the end of each month and will be replaced with a new one by Ms. Capps at the beginning/end of each month.
Important notices
Please review and initial your child's folder daily. Please empty the folder before returning it to school the next day. Keep the contents at home except the monthly calendar that will stay in the folder.
Dyslexia Specialist:
Gloria Parker
RTI Specialists:
Maria Falquez
Gail Garcia
Heather Medellin
RTI Paras:
Artistell Carter
Jesse Hunnicutt
Breatha Jarvis
Ellen Soloweyko
Welcome to the new 2022-2023 school year. I am excited about the new school year and the anticipation of unforgettable relationships that we will build with our Lakeland students. This department is reaching out to every student to become better readers by the end of the year. Our specialized, systematic instruction and differentiated support for every student will be implemented in an effort to meet their specific needs.
As a Dyslexia Specialist at LLE, I will take a proactive approach in identifying reading disabilities, such as dyslexia, through early identification and intervention as accomplished through the Response to Intervention (RtI) model. Early identification is a major key factor for a child to receive help as soon as possible and become a successful reader. It IS possible!
Welcome to SCD/PreK
Room 1207
Email Jennifer Victor
Conference/Planning Time 2:00
I've been married to my husband Brian for 22 years. Our daughter Hannah is 16 and our son Noah is 13. They are both attending schools in Humble ISD. I'm originally from Virginia and I graduated from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA in 1998. When I moved to TX in 2001, I went through the Alternative Certification Program to become a teacher. I taught for four years at the elementary level and then I stayed home to be with my children for eight years. When my son started Kindergarten, I went back to work at a private preschool for seven years. I taught 3 and 4 years olds. They are my favorite age group. This will be my second year teaching at Lakeland. I’m excited to get to know your children better.
Stephanie Sarmiento, SCD Para
Arlicia Green, SCD Para
Morgan Fletcher, SCD Teacher
Amber Jack, Applied Skills Teacher
Neida Gomez, Applied Skills Para
Faten Baba, Applied Skills Para
Sarah Naquin, Special Education Para
Veronica Merkle, Special Education Para
James Linse, Special Education Interventionist
Patricia Perez, Special Education Interventionist
Jimisu Wolff, CSTA
Tiffany King, Diagnostician
Lucero Salinas, Speech Pathologist
Suzanne Amar, Speech Assistant
Melissa Bouchoukian, LSSP
Melinda McCalla, ARD Coordinator