It is opening night for our Lady Longhorns. Let's fill up the gym and BE LOUD!
Riverwood students and staff went GREEN today. We are dedicated to creating a sense of belonging among all our students. #StartWithHelloWeek #REPhard @humbleisd
This week is Start With Hello week. This program from Sandy Hook Promise works to make students more socially inclusive and connected to one another. Every morning various student groups will be at the door greeting students as they enter. Let's make it a great week, Longhorns!
Don't forget tomorrow is our first late arrival. The first bell will ring at 10:05, with 1st period beginning at 10:10. Have a great morning, Longhorns!
Howdy 7th & 8th grade families! We would like to invite you to our open house on Wednesday, August 16th at 6:30 PM.
Longhorn Families it is time for Open House! Our 6th Grade Open House and Parent meeting is Monday, August 14. The parent meeting will begin at 6:00. Following the meeting you will have an opportunity to rotate through your child's schedule.
Backpacks ready? First day outfits picked out? Lunches prepared?
We are SO EXCITED to welcome our students back to school tomorrow! Be sure to share your photos with us using #ShineALight and #SendItOn. The countdown is on!
What time is lunch? Take a look to see what time your grade level will be eating lunch beginning August 14.
The Student Library Advisory Council is already hard at work for a great year. We can't wait to see ALL our Longhorns next week, and our NEW Longhorns this evening! #REPhard
We would like to invite our incoming 6th graders and new to RMS 7th & 8th graders to a Walk Your Schedule event on Aug. 4,
Coming soon to your mailbox ~ Humble ISD's Back to School Newsletter!
Download your digital copy today at
Need help with school supplies this year? Humble ISD has collected donations of school supplies over the summer to help students be ready for the first day of school! Supplies will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Join us Friday, July 28, at Second Baptist Church, from 9 am to 2 pm.
More Information:
Howdy Longhorns! We are looking forward to the 23-24 school year. Before our school year begins on 8/9, all RMS students must complete our Virtual Camp Longhorn. Please complete by 8/3/23. We will see you soon! #REPhard
Annual Update for School Year 2023-2024 opens Monday, July 17, and is required for all returning students. More information at
Calling all of our NEW Longhorns (incoming 6th graders + new-to-RMS 7th and 8th graders)! Come walk your schedule on Friday, Aug. 4 between 4-6 PM. Thank you parents for accompanying your children. We can't wait to meet you! #REPhard
New student enrollment for the 23-24 school year, for all grades, opens Wednesday, June 14. Visit for details.
This Memorial Day we remember and honor those who have given everything. Your sacrifice remains alive in our hearts.
We made it! Happy summer break, Longhorns. Be safe, have fun, and REP hard!
We're almost there! Let's finish the year strong, Longhorns. Here is our exam schedule for the rest of the week for you to reference. Head to the RMS website for the full bell schedule. #REPhard
Happy National Speech Pathologist Day! Ms. Richardson makes a positive impact on the lives of our students and is very much appreciated. #REPhard