bike rodeo headline


Plan to have your child bring his/her bike or scooter along with a helmet on this day for a fun and informative bike safety event. No electric bikes or electric scooters will be allowed to participate. Students will practice riding an obstacle course set up by our local bike patrol of the Houston Police Department. Riders MUST wear helmets to be able to participate in the obstacle course. All bikes, scooters and helmets need to be labeled with the student’s name, grade and teacher.


  • Bikers & Walkers: Please have your child park their bike or scooter at the bike racks behind the school. There will be volunteers available to assist the children in getting their bikes to the designated area for their grade/class.

  • Car Riders: If needing to drop off a bike on the day of Bike Rodeo (Friday 11/17) please use the Mills Branch lot. Volunteers will be in the car rider line and available to help your child unload the bike and get it to the bike rack. Please do not park in the Mills Branch parking lot to unload. 

DISMISSAL There will NOT be volunteers at dismissal. If you will not be following your usual dismissal plan, a written note and email needs to be sent to your child’s teacher with the updated dismissal plan for Friday, 11/17.  

  • Bikers & Walkers: Students will be released as normal to the bike rack to get their bikes. If your child needs assistance, please plan to be at school during dismissal.

  • Car Riders: No bikes will be loaded in car rider lines. If you will be picking up your child as a car rider, there are two options for getting his/her bike at the end of the day: (1) You may pick up the bike between 2:00-2:30, or (2) You may return to the school after 3:45 to pick it up.  


We will need parent volunteers to make this event a success. A sign-up will be sent out on 11/3 in the SFE Connect Friday email and you are welcome to sign up to help with your child’s grade. Only parents who are serving as volunteers will be permitted to attend.  

Please note: SFE and SFE PTA are not responsible for any lost belongings. 

For any questions, please contact Stacy Parker, SFE PTA, at or (832) 248-6905.

Thank you!