State Assessment
Middle School Testing
This spring students will be participating in the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®). STAAR helps measure what the student has learned throughout the year and their progress from one year to the next, but a score on STAAR alone does not determine whether the student can advance to the next grade.
The assessments for each grade level include:
Grade 6 - Reading/Language Arts & Math
Grade 7 - Reading Language Art & Math
Grade 8 - Reading Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, & Math
Specific STAAR test date information by grade level is below:
Grade Level | Reading/Language Arts | Science | Social Studies | Math |
Grade 6 | April 10, 2025 | N/A | N/A | April 22, 2025 |
Grade 7 | April 9, 2025 | N/A | N/A | April 23, 2025 |
Grade 8 | April 8, 2025 | April 15, 2025 | April 16, 2025 | April 24, 2025 |
Students eligible for the STAAR Algebra 1 EOC will be assessed on April 22, 2025.
The testing schedule for students taking advanced grade level courses may differ. Please contact the campus for more information.
High School Testing
What are STAAR End-of-Course (EOC) exams?
Students enrolled in high school credit courses in a Texas public high school must take and pass certain required courses and the EOCs for those courses. The assessments are based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the state curriculum standards. The EOC exams are designed to ensure that students are learning the specific course material and are prepared to succeed in college and/or careers.
Who is required to take STAAR End-Of-Course (EOC) exams?
Students enrolled in a course with an EOC exam (Algebra 1, Biology, English I, English II, U.S. History) in either middle school or high school must test. Students must pass five STAAR EOC exams to meet graduation requirements in a Texas public high school.
STAAR EOC assessments are:
English I
English II
U.S. History
Eligible students will be participating in the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness - End-of-Course exams (STAAR EOC®).
In April STAAR EOC assessments will be administered to students who are currently enrolled and completing a corresponding subject area course. Additional assessment opportunities will also be made available to students who previously passed a course but need to pass the EOC assessment in December and June.
STAAR EOC assessments include:
Algebra 1
English I
English II
U.S. History
Specific STAAR EOC test date information is below:
December 2024
EOC Subject | Date |
Algebra 1 | Dec. 3 - 10, 2024* |
*Dates reflect a testing window. Please contact the campus for specific testing dates.
April 2025
EOC Subject | Date |
English I | April 8, 2025 |
English II | April 9, 2025 |
Biology | April 15, 2025 |
U. S. History | April 16, 2025 |
Algebra I | April 22, 2025 |
*Dates reflect a testing window. Please contact the campus for specific testing dates.
June 2025
EOC Subject | Date |
English I | June 17, 2025 |
Algebra I | June 18, 2025 |
English II | June 19, 2025 |
Biology | June 24, 2025 |
U.S. History | June 24, 2025 |
State Assessment Information for Emergent Bilingual Students
Participation of Emergent Bilingual (EB) students in State Assessments requires language proficiency assessment committees (LPACs) to make assessment decisions on an individual student basis. This is in accordance with administrative procedures established by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and in the Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 101, Subchapter AA, Commissioner’s Rules.
The role LPACs have in making assessment decisions for ELLs supports appropriate implementation of both the content area Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). In Section 74.4 of the TAC, the ELPS require all teachers of EBs to incorporate the teaching of English in daily content area instruction and to linguistically accommodate (communicate, sequence, and scaffold) the instruction according to the English language proficiency levels of their EBs. These requirements help EBs learn English and engage more meaningfully in the learning of subject matter.
The ELPS go a step further for EBs who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English language proficiency. Students who do not proceed quickly through these levels are at particular risk of falling behind academically and having difficulty catching up once they reach higher proficiency levels. The ELPS require districts to provide intensive, focused, and systematic second language acquisition instruction designed specifically to build the foundation of English vocabulary, grammar, and syntax that these students vitally need to get beyond the intermediate level.
LPACs are responsible for obtaining the necessary information from the individual student’s teachers. In determining whether students meet the participation requirements, decisions must be made on an individual student basis.
An EB whose parent or guardian has declined bilingual/ESL services required by state law is not eligible for special EB assessment, accommodation, or accountability provisions. This includes no testing in Spanish, no linguistic accommodations during testing, no English I special provision, and no unschooled asylee/refugee provisions.
STAAR Alternate 2
Learn more about the STAAR ALT 2 testing program.
STAAR Alternate 2 is an assessment based on alternate academic standards and is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities receiving special education services. Additionally, the students must meet participation requirements. STAAR Alternate 2 was developed to meet federal requirements of both the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). ESEA requires that all students be assessed in specific grades and subjects throughout their academic career, whereas IDEA requires that students with disabilities have access to the same standards as their non-disabled peers and be included in statewide assessments. STAAR Alternate 2, which was redesigned as a result of state legislation passed in 2013, is a standardized assessment administered individually to each eligible student. Students must meet specific requirements to take STAAR Alternate 2, which is available for the same grades and subjects assessed in the general STAAR program.
ARD Committee Responsibilities
Admissions, review, and dismissal (ARD) committees ensure that a student meets all mandated participation requirements, which were developed by TEA and reviewed by educator advisory committees and educator review committees. If the student has a significant cognitive disability that requires the student to access the grade-level TEKS through prerequisite skills, then the ARD committee should review the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2. If the ARD committee determines that a student meets all of the participation requirements, the student should be assessed with STAAR Alternate 2.
Medical Exceptions and No Authentic Academic Response (NAAR)
If a student has a severe medical condition or a cognitive impairment that prevents him or her from completing the assessment, the student will not be required to complete the assessment and an alternate score code may be used. ARD committees should use the eligibility requirement documents to determine if a student’s assessment can be coded as a Medical Exception or as No Authentic Academic Response (NAAR). The eligibility requirement documents can be accessed online through the links in the NOTES column on this page. For both exceptions, the ARD committee will make the determination after reviewing medical and educational records. The decision must be documented in the student’s IEP along with evidence to support the determination.
State Assessment Results in the TEA Family Portal
Student State Assessment Results in the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Family Portal
How can I access my child's state assessment scores online?
Parents and students may access scores online through the TEA Family Portal.
What is the TEA Family Portal?
The TEA Family Portal provides parents and students with online access to scores from the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) assessments.
Specific Features of the Portal:
Viewing student assessment results over the course of a student’s academic career.
Examining student performance on STAAR, including individual student scale scores and objective scores.
Examining TELPAS examinee proficiency ratings, comprehension scores and composite score/rating.
Access to the Family Portal