Advanced Learning and Services

Humble ISD Advanced Learning and Services is dedicated to offering equitable educational opportunities that expand student potential. We achieve this by creating differentiated and rigorous instructional environments, fostering robust social and emotional growth, and ultimately, nurturing the path to postsecondary educational success.

Contact Us

Dr. Tong Utakrit

Dr. Tong Utakrit
Advanced Learning and Services

Christie Huseman

Christie Huseman
Advanced Learning Lead Coordinator
High Schools

Jennifer Holloway

Jennifer Holloway
Advanced Learning Coordinator
Middle Schools


Jennifer Williams
Advanced Learning Coordinator
Elementary Schools

Judi Elliott

Judi Elliott
Gifted/Talented Differentiation & Identification


Advanced Learning and Services Team

The Advanced Learning Podcast banner

The Advanced Learning Podcast

Dr. Fagen and our Director of Advanced Learning, Dr. Tong Utakrit, dive into all of the options for students to pursue in advanced coursework in Humble ISD.
In addition to providing information about advanced courses such as
Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, OnRamps, and International Baccalaureate, they also cover Gifted and Talented Education and how to learn more if you have questions.

PSAT, AP, Dual Credit, G/T, AVID...with all the advanced learning opportunities available in the district, which options are best for your student?

Listen to the new Advanced Learning Podcast where they discuss anything and everything related to advanced learning in Humble ISD in less time than it takes you to get from home to school or work.

The Advanced Learning Podcast is available on all podcasting platforms including Apple PodcastsSpotify, and Google Podcasts and new episodes are released every two weeks.

Have an idea for a topic you want discussed? Reach out to us and your idea may be featured as a podcast topic!

Academic Competition Students

Academic Competitions

In order to meet the needs of our gifted and advanced students, Humble ISD provides opportunities, outside of the school day, for students to showcase and enhance their skills while participating in appropriate, meaningful activities that appeal to their areas of strength. Participation facilitates the development of individual talents that prepares students for competition in our global society.