Good friends, fresh air and vision boards are what great days are made out of here at SFE.
7 months ago, SFE
3 girls work in atrium
First grade has been hard at work preparing for their musical program. Be sure to be here Tuesday, March 5th at 7:00 to see it yourself. They are doing a phenomenal job!
7 months ago, SFE
music teacher leads song
students sing
first grade on stage
Science Olympiads have been hard at work and having fun at the same time. Learning is fun at SFE!
7 months ago, SFE
two girls
SFE book fair takes e-wallet, credit card and Apple Pay. We are a cashless book fair. Families can shop with students during lunch and recess or after school. Monday and Tuesday until 6:00 PM. Wednesday and Thursday until 4:00 PM. Use the link below to set up an e-wallet for your student shopping. Make sure to set up those e-wallets!
7 months ago, SFE
boys shop
bookfair shoppers
It was a great week back with our sharks. One of the highlights of our week was Friendship Parties! We had such a good time celebrating with our shark families.
7 months ago, SFE
two boys
5th grade Manners Banquet was such a fabulous event this year. We are so thankful for our PTA and community partners for making this event so special.
7 months ago, SFE
teacher and student
boy at manners banquet
A read aloud of a picture book is always a good idea. Even in 5th grade there is so much power in gathering to enjoy a book together!
8 months ago, SFE
library with students
It's always fun to find a new place to cozy up and enjoy a good book.
8 months ago, SFE
boys read in hallway with cushions
RMS counselors are here today to help our 5th grade sharks transition into middle school. We are sad to see them go but know they will be in good hands next year!
8 months ago, SFE
counselor helps student with course selection
Library day is always a good day. The thrill of choosing a good book never goes away. We always love to see our sharks fall in love with reading!
8 months ago, SFE
girls look at books
boy chooses book
We are so proud to announce our teacher of the year, Mrs. Casee Fetzer. Mrs. Fetzer is passionate about her job and always goes above and beyond to meet the needs of our sharks. Congratulations, Mrs. Fetzer!
8 months ago, SFE
teacher of the year
Last week Mrs. McKinney provided some amazing hands-on learning experiences that allowed our sharks to see life through different lenses. What a powerful message!
8 months ago, SFE
student wears sunglasses
student with marshmallow in mouth
text in mirror
Check out Humble ISD playgrounds and outdoor fitness areas that are now open, along with those opening soon!
8 months ago, Humble ISD
Outdoor Play and Fitness
STEM bins are one of our favorite ways to create and explore!
8 months ago, SFE
student uses STEM materials
91 days of school have really aged our sharks! Today was a fabulous day to celebrate "Be the Change" week and 91 days of learning together.
8 months ago, SFE
boy wears suspenders
three students dress old
These fifth graders enjoy the sun and fresh air at recess.
8 months ago, SFE
girls on playground
Bad weather may have cut our "Be the Change" week short but we aren't letting that slow us down. Today we had an amazing experience with James Wand the magician. He shared some great advice about being bully free. We all joined in on the fun and had a wonderful morning!
8 months ago, SFE
students in audience
teachers on stage
students on stage
student on stage
Last week our fifth graders had the opportunity to see what life is like at RMS. They were thrilled to experience all of the opportunities headed there way.
8 months ago, SFE
5th grade students
muddle school band performance
middle school drama production
Humble Museum would like to invite all community members to "A Revolutionary Experience" on January 27, 2024. You can see historic recreations of Revolutionary-era living and culture. The event is FREE and takes place from 10:00AM-4:00PM at Humble Museum.
8 months ago, SFE
Revolutionary Experience
Humble ISD will be OPEN Wednesday, January 17. Road conditions have improved. Classes will begin at normal time. School buses and activities will operate on the normal schedule.
8 months ago, Humble ISD
Humble ISD Update